Public Forum Agenda
PRCR Public Forum Guidelines
The Town of Nashville is exploring the option of partnering with Nash County to offer team field athletics. The Town of Nashville and Nash County both operate parks and recreation departments that are funded through taxpayer dollars. Nash County provides services and programs to residents generally outside of Nashville and in municipalities where an intergovernmental agreement is in place including Spring Hope, Bailey, Middlesex, Red Oak, and Castalia. Currently programming for both departments is similar in nature with offerings predominately geared toward traditional team athletics for both youth and adult. In order to provide more services to our constituents without an increase in budgeted funds to the department, it is proposed that Nash County Parks, Recreation and Senior Services assumes the responsibility of programming traditional team athletics for youth and adults at Glover Park. Nashville residents will immediately see an increase in the number of sports available for play each season and same gender teams available. This will allow Nashville’s Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department to refocus its staff hours and budget to offer noncompeting and more diverse programs to town and county residents.